Soft Serve & Frozen Yogurt Floor Machines
238R Pressure-Fed Twin Twist Soft Serve Machines - DISCONTINUED
Model 238R slim, twin twist, floor model soft serve ice cream freezer. Optional remote mix pump permits use of large capacity mix containers, keeping mix handling to a minimum. High capacity, space saving floor unit has a standard night switch provding overnight refrigerated mix storage, saving evergy and labor. Ideal for high volume operations. Serve two flavors individually or combine them for a twist.
- High capacity, hard-working, space-saving floor unit guarantees years of dependable service.
- Special calibrated electronic thermistor ensures optimum product quality and quick response during peak draw periods.
- Standard night switches provide refrigerated overnight mix storage, saving both labor and energy.
- Self-sharpening, nonmetallic auger flights for reliable service.
- Optional remote mix pump permits use of large capacity mix containers, keeping mix handling to a minimum.